Receive an email report with an export of your customer data.

Export all of your customer records in either CSV on JSON format. Results will be emailed to you generally within minutes of the request (but may take up to 24 hours). The report will be available for download for 7 days after it is generated.

Your App ID can be found on the App Settings screen in the Nami Control Center.

CSV exports include a set of key information available on the Customers screens, provided by the following columns for each customer record:

  • namiml_user_id
  • pseudonym
  • external_id
  • session_count
  • last_session_date
  • first_session_date
  • transaction_count
  • first_transaction_date
  • last_transaction_date
  • active_entitlements
  • purchase_skus
  • customer_lifetime_value in each currency the user has transacted in

JSON exports have a complete set of raw data on everything we know about the customer.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!