Errors FAQ

Common issues that may arise when using the SDK.

Bundle ID in your app and registered Bundle ID in the Control Center do not match

If the Bundle ID of your app and the Bundle ID you entered in the Control Center do not match, some aspects of the Nami platform will not work correctly.

You will be able to tell if this is happening by viewing the output logs of a simulator build in Xcode. Look for the following message printed in your output.

====Nami Warning!  Your bundle Identifer Optional("com.nami.App") does not match the Nami regitered bundle identifier com.nami.testApp====

To resolve this issue, log in to the Control Center and navigate to the App Settings screen. You can update your Bundle ID on the General tab.


The SDK is not able to use my products from the store or all my transactions show $0.00.

This error can result in a few different problems in the SDK:

  1. My products are not displayed on the paywall in my app.
  2. My products show a sku_id on the purchase button instead of the product name.
  3. My product SKUs are showing transaction values of $0.00 in the Control Center.

When using the Paywall Creator, if you are testing and developing your app with Bypass Store turned on, you will encounter scenarios 2 and 3. Scenario 1 will occur if Bypass Store is off.

The SDK will not be able to get data about your in-app purchase products from the store, including the App Store and Google Play, unless you have

  1. Completed the Store Set-Up
  2. Correctly added your in-app purchase products to the Control Center

Take a look at the links above to make sure you have both of these steps completed correctly if you are seeing any of the above issues.