Products and Entitlements FAQs


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I don't have any product SKUs setup in iTunes Connect yet. Do I need to do this to get started with Nami?

Nope! You can setup test products to show on the Nami paywall when testing. But if you want to see products in a TestFlight or App Store build, you will need to setup products in iTunes and get them approved by Apple. See this guide for more info.

What is the Product SKU ID?

The SKU ID is where you enter the Product ID from your payment platform. Nami uses this value to lookup price, duration, and other information about the Product SKU from the Apple App Store or Google Play Console. The SKU ID must be an exact match to the values in the payment platform, otherwise Nami can't pull products on the paywall.

What is the Product SKU Type?

When adding a product, you have to choose Subscription or One Time Purchase as your SKU Type.

Subscription SKU Type means that the product purchase renews on a regular basis. You choose the duration and price in your purchase platform.

One Time Purchase means that the user pays once for the product and never again. You choose the price in your purchase platform and then determine in your product what is unlocked by this purchase.

I have apps on iOS and Android. Do I need to create the same product on both platforms?

Yes. Your product SKUs have to be setup in both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. You will need to add both payment platform integrations inside Nami and then add all products twice - under each platform. That way, whether a user loads your app on iOS or Android, they can still purchase the same products.

What is an Entitlement?

Entitlements are used to grant access to a set of content or features in your app. They have a set of associated Product SKUs that grant the entitlement on purchase.

I have an iOS and Android app. Do I need 2 entitlements?

No. Entitlements work across multiple platform integrations.

How should I setup my Entitlements?

Entitlements are based on the content your app contains. A simple setup may only have 1 Entitlement that is unlocked by either a subscription or a one-time purchase. This entitlement in turn could have multiple products underneath it - monthly subscription, yearly subscription, etc. But the overall functionality unlocked is the same. Therefore all the products live under 1 entitlement.

However, an app with tiered access would involve multiple entitlements.