Archiving a Placement
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Last updated
You are no longer using a gated feature or test placement and you want to hide it in the main placements list.
Nami keeps all the data from archived placements for your reference in Analytics
If a placement is archived, it won't be available in the app. Make sure your app code isn't trying to launch paywalls from this placement before you archive it.
Find your Placement
Click the 'Edit' button under the Placement name to open the editor drawer and click 'Archive' from the bottom menu.
Or scroll to the right and click 'Archive' in the Placements table
Once archived, this placement will not be available to serve to users in the app. But the data is still available in analytics for reference.
Filter placements list by 'Archived' to see all your archived campaign rules.
If you want the Placement to become available in your app again, you must Restore the placement.