Adding Products
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Last updated
Paywalls must have products on them in order to sell subscriptions and services.
You must first setup at least 1 app platform integration for your app.
For each integration, you will need to setup products in the Nami system.
After you have completed the Prerequisite Steps above, you can add products to your paywall.
Open Paywall Builder
Navigate to Products tab
Select the correct Platform from the dropdown
Click the next to each product in Available Products to add them to the paywall
Reorder inside the Added Products list if necessary
Click the Edit icon to edit the product display. Learn more about Product Fields.
The Paywall Builder supports up to 5 products per paywall per group
Nami recommends no more than 3 products on a paywall.
Not sure which products will convert the best? Create an A/B test to run 2 paywalls with different product sets against each other.
To simplify setup, you can upload a CSV file containing product group ID, platform IDs, and SKU IDs. You can import up to 4 platform menus with 4 products each per group. You can import up to 75 groups at 1 time.
CSV file columns (required columns are marked with an asterisk*):
Product Group Reference ID* (will be "default" if your paywall has only 1 product group)
Platform 1 ID* (the Nami platform ID of the billing platform. How to find it.)
Platform 1 SKU ID 1* (the SKU ID of the first product in that platform and group you want to add)
Platform 1 SKU ID 2
Platform 1 SKU ID 3
Platform 1 SKU ID 4
Platform 2 ID (the Nami platform ID of the second billing platform)
Platform 2 SKU ID 1
Platform 2 SKU ID 2
Platform 2 SKU ID 3
Platform 2 SKU ID 4
Platform 3 ID
Platform 3 SKU ID 1
Platform 3 SKU ID 2
Platform 3 SKU ID 3
Platform 3 SKU ID 4
Platform 4 ID
Platform 4 SKU ID 1
Platform 4 SKU ID 2
Platform 4 SKU ID 3
Platform 4 SKU ID 4
The sample template file is setup to initialize a paywall with 2 Apple and 2 Google products for 1 group.