This template is available on Team plans and up
Product Groups (toggle mode)
By default, paywalls created from this template will have the following components:
Back Button in Header
Logo Image in header (replace placeholder with your own)
Hero Image aligned at the top of the paywall
Title Text
Product Group Toggle
Bullet List (content changes depending on the selected product group)
Product Buttons
With up to 4 pieces of product text showing
Purchase Button
Legal Text
Restore Button
Version 1.1
Release Date: 10/15/2024 Changed: - Fixed product alignment
Version 1.0
Minimum SDK Version
Creating a Paywall from this Template
Find this template by going to Paywalls > Add Paywalls > Phone
Setup 2 product groups. Give them each a name. These names will be shown on the paywall. You can edit them later.
Add products to each group for each billing platform.
By default, the first product added will be marked as Selected. You may want to change this behavior
Use the product group previewer to preview the paywall when each group is selected from the toggle
Use the Eligibility previewer to preview the paywall where the products have trial offers enabled
Update copy and design as needed.
Last updated