Private Key

Learn how to create Private Key and Key ID credentials for your Apple App Store integration


This page has been deprecated. See Apple App Store Connect API

Let's step through how to create a Private Key and add it to the Nami Control Center.

1. Login to App Store Connect.

Go to App Store Connect and login

2. Navigate to Users and Access > Keys

Select 'Users and Access'

Select 'Keys'

3. Generate API Key

Click the Plus button to generate a new key

Provide a name and App Manager access level and click 'Generate'.

4. Download API Key file

Click 'Download API Key'. It will save a Private Key file with file extension .p8 to your files. Save this file.


You only get 1 opportunity to download the API key. Once you have this key, don't lose it!

5. Copy the Key ID

Copy the Key ID for the Private Key you just created. The Private Key and the .p8 file are a set and need to be referenced together.

6. Add values to Nami Control Center

Open the Nami Control Center and navigate to Settings β†’ Store Credentials.

Paste the Key ID from step 5 into the 'Key ID' form.

Upload the Private Key file into the 'Private Key' upload.

7. Add Shared Secret

Follow these steps to get your App Store Connect Shared secret. Paste the value into the Shared Secret field.

8. Add Issuer ID

Follow these steps to get your Issuer ID from App Store Connect. Paste into the Issuer ID field

9. Save

Save the credentials to finish!