Campaign FAQs

All your questions answered about running campaigns with Nami.


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What is a Placement?

A placement is a trigger for a group of campaigns.

What is a Campaign?

A campaign is the set of business rules that decides when users see your paywall.

Do I need to create a Campaign?

Yes. All paywalls should be attached to campaigns so that you can track the rules and whether or not the campaign is live.

Do I need to setup Campaign audience rules?

No. If you don't setup any rules, the campaign is shown to everyone that hits the paywall in your app.

How do I display a paywall with a Minimum SDK Version?

Some of our paywalls have minimum SDK versions, meaning that not all versions of the Nami SDK will support it and the user's device must have at least a minimum version. You can setup campaign filtering to accommodate this. Just add a rule of 'Device SDK Version' and select 'greater than or equal to' the SDK version specified for the paywall. Then add the paywall to the campaign and set live!