
Available Components

  • Title Text
  • Body Text
  • List (optional, added v5)
  • Product Buttons (3 max, supports Selected Styling)
  • Close Button Icon (removable in v5+)
  • Sign In Button
  • Restore Button
  • Background Color (gradient supported)
  • Background Image, header size
  • Combined Legal

Product Display

  • Period Number - Supports Selected styling and Smart Text variables
  • Period Unit - Supports Selected styling and Smart Text variables
  • Price - Supports Selected styling and Smart Text variables
  • Subtext - Supports Selected styling
  • Badge Text - only appears on Selected Product

Available Styles


Version 5.0

Release Date: 11/13/2023

Minimum SDK Version: 3.1.19


  • Toggle close button on or off (off for hard paywall)
  • Expand product buttons
  • Edit height and drop shadow of purchase button
  • Edit select spacing and padding settings
  • Add an optional list item below the body text

Version 5.1

Release Date: 12/18/2023


  • Removed character limit from product text fields

Version 4.0

Release Date: 6/7/2023

Minimum SDK Version: 3.0.9

Version 4.1

Release Date: 10/2/2023

Minimum SDK Version: 3.0.9

🆙 Auto-upgrade from version 4.0