Setting up Legal Text for your Apps

Learn how to easily configure paywall legalese for your apps in the Nami system

Nami makes it easy to setup Privacy Policy and Terms of Use content for your apps in the Control Center and use these links across all your paywalls.


Nami Best Practice

Apple and Google both enforce that you somewhere surface a Privacy Policy and Terms of Use in your app. We recommend showing Privacy Policy and Terms of Use links in a clickwrap text field on your paywall as the simplest way to meet these store guidelines. This also allows you to easily make updates to the legal text or URLs without updating your app code.

Terms of Use URLWhere the app sends the user when they click on the Terms of Use link
Terms of Use Display TextThe text that will be shown in the app for the Terms of Use link, instead of the full Terms of Use URL
Terms of Use Smart Text Variable${legal.terms_link}

When you enter this Smart Text variable anywhere into your paywall, it will populate your Terms of Use Display Text as a link to your Terms of Use URL.

For example: Terms of Use
Privacy Policy URLWhere the app sends the user when they click on the Privacy Policy link
Privacy Policy Display TextThe text that will be shown in the app for the Privacy Policy link, instead of the full Privacy Policy URL
Privacy Policy Smart Text Variable${legal.privacy_link}

When you enter this Smart Text variable anywhere into your paywall, it will populate your Privacy Policy Display Text as a link to your Privacy Policy URL.

For example: Privacy Policy
Clickwrap TextA piece of legal text that you can configure to show on all your paywalls. Use Smart Text Variables to easily prefill the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use links.

How to Configure your Legal Text

  1. Navigate to Nami Control Center > App Settings.

  2. Click the Legal Tab.

  1. Enter your Terms of Use URL into the Terms of Use Link field.

  2. Add your Terms of Use URL display name, such as 'Terms' or 'Terms of Use' into the Terms of Use Display Text field.

  3. Enter your Privacy Policy URL into the Privacy Policy Link field.

  4. Add your Privacy Policy URL display name (e.g. 'Privacy Policy') into the Privacy Policy Display Text field.

  5. Finally, to show legal text on your paywalls, fill out the Clickwrap Text. This text will show at the bottom of your paywall and can include dynamic links to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy you just added with Smart Text variables. If you do not fill out the Clickwrap Text, no legal text will appear on your paywalls.

  1. Click Update Language to finish.

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