Supported Purchase Change States by Platform

The Nami SDK allows you to make a callback when there is a change to the status of a purchase. This allows your app to easily react to purchases and take appropriate actions. For more details on how to react to a purchase, head over to this guide.

In the callback to react to a purchase, you will also receive a purchaseState. All store platforms work slightly differently, so this page has a list of all possible states, which platforms they are supported on, and a definition to help you interpret the state.

Purchase Change StateDefinitionPlatforms
CANCELLEDThis state occurs when the user starts a purchase and then cancels it before completing it.- Apple
FAILEDThe user started a purchase, but it failed.- Android
- Apple
PENDINGThis state occurs when the user has started a purchase flow but the purchase has not been completed.- Apple
PURCHASEDThe product SKU was successfully purchased.- Android
- Apple